We at “CuisineHOUzz strongly recommend health conscious consumers to procure 'Fresh(Active) live Kefir Grains from "The Biocareshop " Malaysia. The milk and water kefir grains are available for online buying through their website.Please use their online form to submit your query, purchase order etc. The kefir grains we used in our recipes were purchased from The Biocareshop.They are shipping both Water Kefir grains and Milk kefir grains to India,Malaysia,Singapore,Australia,Thailand and all over the world with affordable price. The perfect Health Market Place all over the world, selling Home-Fresh LIVE Milk and Water Kefir Grains . Simply contact to gobiocare@gmail.com For One Pack of Quality Fresh Organic Milk & water Kefir Grains(each grain type) Price is AUD 40 only(each)- (Internat...
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