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Home Made Sweetened Condensed Milk

I was wondered in making the best Homemade Condensed Milk. I think it’s one of the best and tasty, fingers licking thing in the world. we can call it as Milkmaid,Evaporated milk.You need to spend more money and you should buy this one only at shops.Thanks to Mr.Gail Borden(1840) in Newyork,who invented this lovely thing.Wow it’s really nice, taste and texture makes gorgeous than you buy this at shops.I want to dedicate this recipe work to my lovely sister Thenu,who loves dairy Product very much.

                             Home made Condensed Milk

ingredients iconTHE MAKING PART

3C skimmed milk powder (or less)
Large size Bowl
125g butter
11/2C sugar
1C boiling water
Blender/Hand Mixer/Hand Whisker

Have Your Ingredientsput the melted Butter on the BowlAdd the hot Water,sugar,Milk Powder into the bowl,blend it using BlenderTransfer the Blended thing into the glass containerPHOTO NOTES.Plz mouse over at middle of the each image portion to get the Visual Steps of the RecipeYou can Preserve it in the Fridge
Yummy Home Made Condensed Milk is ready.
            Making of Home Made Condensed Milk


1. Take a Blender(can use the wir whisk or hand mixer), add the Butter and sugar at the same time and then pour the boiling water to blend it well.

2. Add the 1 cup of milk powder at a time; allow blending it for a while and then add another cup milk powder.(Give some time to add each and every cup of milk powder that’s it).Blend it until it's geta rich,creamy looking texture.

Here we go…It’s done. You may think that the consistency looks like thinner one, but it will surely thicken after it cools down. If you want the thinner consistency, add the less amount of milk powder (3 cups) to make a liquid consistency.

You can save it in the air tight sealing plastic or glass jars.It will keep in the refrigerator for about a week and also save your money by making this yummy thing at Home.  
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