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Corn Flake Macaroons/Corn Flakes Cookies

Corn flake cookies are easy to make, with corn flakes cereal, coconut, sugar, flavorings, and egg whites.This simple recipe is just like the coconut macaroons.

                   Corn Flake Macaroons
ingredients iconTHE MAKING PART
1 egg white
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1 cup corn flakes
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch salt


Cook Time: 8 min Total Time: 8 min serves:18
  1. Grease the Baking sheet by using a nonstick cooking spray.
  2. Preheat the oven to 325°.
  3. Beat egg white until stiff peaks form.
  4. Add remaining ingredients together and blend them well.
  5. Drop by teaspoonfuls on baking sheet; bake about 20 minutes, until set.

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