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Happy Pongal 2011 - Sakkarai Pongal

                                  Chakkarai Pongal 1

CuisineHOUzz Site wishes you a Happy Pongal,"Harvest Day" 2011 to lead you a Happy moments,successful Life.The Pongal is a harvest festival for Thanks giving for the bountiful paddy harvest and for honoring the God Sun.

                                             pongal 3

In south Indians are happy to make an authentic art called as Kolam on the rice flour and with variety of colored rice by expressing their Happiness and Prosperity of Thai Pongal.

ingredients iconTHE MAKING PART
 1 cup     Milk
 1 cup     Rice
 1/4 cup  Moong Dhall;washed well
 10 no.    Cashew nuts;chopped
 5 no.      Dates
 10 no.    Kishmis
 1 1/2 cup Jaggery (grated)
 1/4 teaspoon Saffron (crushed)
 1 teaspoon Cardamom powder
 3 tablespoons ghee

                                             Thai Pongal


1.Pour milk and allow to boil in the thick bottomed vessel/clay pot(Pongapanai) and place it on the stove. 
2.Add the washed rice and dhall together,when milk starts boiling.
3.Cook until both the rice and dhall cooked well(soft and dhall should be smashed well).
4.Add the crushed jaggery,dates and ghee.
5.In a Pan,shallow fry the Cashew nuts and kishmis(dry grapes) and add them in the cooked rice.
5.Slow down the flame,allow to cook for few minutes and serve in the plantain leaf.

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