Western Cheese Omlette is very easy to make and enjoy your own cheese omelette right from your very own home.Today I have tried with the minced onion added more taste to the omlette.If you would like to put in any other ingredients other than just cheese, feel free sausage, bacon, onion, green pepper, all excellent choices for an omlette, and feel free to try all of them out with the tomato soup and find what you like best.
Serves: 3
3 eggs, beaten (or equivalent egg substitute)
1/2 tsp salt
1 teaspoon onion;minced
2 tsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp white pepper
2 tabsp. shredded cheddar cheese / swiss cheese
Directions:Prep Time: 5 mins
Total Time: 15 mins
1 Take a Bowl,add the breaked eggs,salt,white pepperand minced onion,blend it well using the balloon whisker.
2 Heat the small sized skillet,add the olive oil on medium heat.
3 Add egg mixture and rotate the pan to spread the mixture evenly,cook over medium heat for 3 minutes.
4 Sprinkle the shredded cheese on half portion of cooked egg.
5 fold carefully the other half portion of egg over cheese.
Thats it.It is ready to taste the yummy aromatic cheesy onion flavoured omlette.
post your queries to havigaya@gmail.com
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